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EasyRPG Player for Nintendo 3DS

Project name: player-3ds

3DS build of the EasyRPG Player.

Needs a console with homebrew support

  • 3dsx for the homebrew launcher, CFW users need to delete the .xml file
  • ELF for creating your own CIAs. When you place a game in the romfs it will launch that game. Assets & Tools
  • easyrpg-player.cia: CIA for installing as a channel. Searches games in sdmc:/3ds/easyrpg-player
Place the games (the game folder contains RPG_RT.ldb) in direct subdirectories of the 3dsx folder OR for CIA in the mentioned folder.
Last Successful Artifacts
easyrpg-player-3ds-debug.zip57.86 MiBview
easyrpg-player-3ds.zip31.90 MiBview
easyrpg-player.cia22.26 MiBview

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